

Lady Melkorka Farkona


Deputy: THL Adaire Wren

The Group Seneschal serves as the principal mundane legal representative of the SCA within the group. The Seneschal is responsible for ensuring that what is happening meets the various SCA requirements as laid out in the governing documents, Kingdom laws, and any applicable mundane laws. Ultimately the Seneschal’s role is to foster the group’s operation and development and make sure that it is soundly based, well run, well behaved, growing, and connected to the rest of the SCA.


THL Samirra Abbas


Deputy: Lady Keterlyn ane czunamen

The Reeve manages the finances and equipment of the Shire. She maintains the budget, ensures expenditures of Shire funds are properly documented, submits the financial report each quarter, and generally handles anything to do with money.


THL Charles de Joscelynne

Deputy: Lord Kurt Bogner


Heralds have many responsibilities. Their primary duty is to help members create suitable names and devices for use within the SCA, and often serve in secretarial functions during Populous meetings.

Arts & Sciences



The Arts and Sciences are the base of our Society, the means by which we bring the feeling of Medieval and Renaissance history to life. Whether it is beautiful banners surrounding the battlefield, decorations in the feast hall, or simply the clothing that is worn, the arts and science can be seen wherever you look. Just as importantly, it is through our research and recreation that we maintain our status as an educational non-profit. The arts and sciences encompass many different areas including costuming, brewing, painting, cooking, dancing, singing, and all of the research done to make these activities and items more historically accurate. There is something in the Arts and Sciences for everyone.

Heavy Weapons MarshalHeavy Weapons Marshal

Lord John Kirikov


Deputy: Lord Subutai The Tiger

The Heavy Weapons Marshal is responsible for the training and safety of heavy fighters.

Heavy Weapons MarshalRapier Marshal

Captain William Lewys


Rapier combat in the SCA is reminiscent of the sword-fighting styles of the renaissance period (1500-1600’s) of Europe. Using rapiers (a long thin sword, better suited to thrusting than cutting than its earlier counterpart), daggers, bucklers, cloaks, and other items, we attempt to learn and recreate to methods of civilian self-defense. In learning this “arte of defense” we often draw upon the wisdom and instruction of original manuscripts, written by the great masters-of-arms of the period. Rapier combat in the SCA is based on a code of honor and courtesy. Unlike modern fencing where judges are used, the rapier combatants themselves are responsible for determining if the attacks they receive are “good” based on the angle, location, and force of the strike. Safety officers, known as “Marshals” are always on hand to ensure that the combat is performed safely and to ensure that all equipment used meets established safety standards.


Lady Elizabeth Silverloc

Deputy:  Lady Marguerite Ysabel du Val


The Chatelaine coordinates new members for the shire. They can help you find your bearings as a new member, helping you with persona research and loaner garb. They also help new members network, introducing them to other members who share common interests.

The current Chatelaine is Lady Hessa Schönberg. Hessa specializes in German, Viking, and early period Roman personas, and enjoys sewing, archery, and has a passion for pouches, purses and other period accessories.


Lady Astridr of Owl’s Nest


The Chronicler is responsible for keeping minutes of the populous meetings and notifying members of the shire about upcoming events and activities through newsletters. Issues of the newsletter are available on the group’s Facebook page.


Lady Luta Thorfinnsdottir

Deputy: THL Adaire Wren


The Quartermaster is responsible for the storage, inventory, and upkeep of all Shire property.

Minister of Children

Lady Melkorka Farkona


The Minister of Children is responsible for planning and running children’s activities at any events the Shire may hold. The MoC can help coordinate with Marshalls and youth combat activities.


Lord Subutai The Tiger


Deputy: Ruaidhri Maccrimthainn

Social Media Officer: Lady Memré Boi-vin


The Webminister designs, updates, and maintains the Shire website. The Webminister is a warranted office, and they hold a Warrant from the Kingdom Webminister for a two-year term of office.